1. 是次活動由 中國香港綜合搏擊運動總會 (「主辦方」)主辦 ,所有持有2024年8月4日的首屆香港國際武搏體育節 (「武搏節」) 抽獎劵之人士將於當天獲得參加抽獎資格。
2. 主辦方將於 2024 年8月4日晚上8時正於武搏節會場以人手隨機抽出得獎者共 22名,並送出以下獎品。
抽獎日子 | 截止時間 |
2024年8月4日 | 2024年8月4日 |
3. 每張抽獎劵號碼只能中獎一次及贏得一份禮物。
4. 參加者無須另行登記參加抽獎,進行抽獎後我們將於現場公佈結果,得獎者或其授權代表須於公佈後30分鐘內親身憑有效的抽獎劵領取獎品,逾期將會喪失領獎資格,所有獎品將不獲再次安排領獎及不設任何補償。
5. 如發現有任何違反本條款及細則的作弊行爲或不當手法意圖贏取獎品之參加者,主辦方有權取消該參加者的資格,並不會作另行通知。
6. 主辦單位對本條款及細則擁有絕對解釋權。如出現因抽獎活動而產生或與之有關的如有任何爭議,中國香港綜合搏擊運動總會作出之決定將為最終決定及不可推翻。
7. 得獎結果將於2024年8月13日在星島日報和英文虎報內公佈。
8. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼: 58946
Terms and Conditions:
1. The promotion campaign is organized by China Hong Kong Mixed Combat Sports Federation Limited (“Organizer”), all attendees holding valid lucky draw tickets of 4th August, 2024 for the 1st Hong Kong International Combat Festival, will be enrolled in the same-day lucky draw.
2. A total of 22 winners will be drawn randomly by hand for at 8pm on 4th August, 2024.
Promotion Session | Cut-off time |
4th August 2024 | 4th March 2024 |
3. Each ticket number can only win 1 prize.
4. Participants do not need to complete a separate registration for the lucky draw. Lucky draw will be held onsite and the result of lucky draw will be announced immediately. Winners or their authorized representatives are required to receive the prize in person within 30 minutes after the announcement by showing the eligible lucky draw ticket. Failure to do so within the specified time will result in forfeiture of the prize eligibility, and the prizes will not be arranged for collection again, nor will any compensation be provided.
5. If any participant is being suspected of cheating or used improper methods violating these terms and conditions to win prizes, the Organizer reserves the right to disqualify such participants without prior notice.
6. All interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Organizer. In the event of any dispute arising from or in connection with the Lucky Draw, China Hong Kong Mixed Combat Sports Federation Limited’s decision shall be final and conclusive.
7. The lucky draw results will be published in The Standard and Sing Tao Daily on 13 August 2024.
8. Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 58946
獎品 | |
大獎 | 萬希泉陀飛輪手錶 (1份) |
二獎 | 99.99%壓鑄金條5克 (1份) |
三獎 | 精鑄銀幣1盎司 (20份) |